The constitution does protect if she says the N-word because we have the freedom of speech. She has done nothing wrong because the constitution gives her the rights to say that. Its also fair she can say it because other people say it because they African American. What gives them the right to say this word but others can't? If they can say it without getting in trouble everyone should be able to say it. According to the First Amendment that is true.
I agree with Dr. Laura because why can I use this ignorant word and be a regular kid but if she uses it everyone flips out and calls her a racist. I don t think anyone should use the word truthfully, because all it does is bring problems where ever it is. I think Dr. Laura was right for using the word on her show, but i don't think she had to say it eleven times to get her point through. I was once told that our we are all people before we are black or white. We as a people are dumb we separate over skin color. Other than skin color whats the difference between us? We might have different ways of acting and living but we are all the same thing when it's over, and that is a person.
Bravo!! Bravo. Excellent job. Although we've had the same article, I must say you have hit some points that I failed to approach. follow me!! shaniceunderstandshistory.blogspot.com