
This is where it begins!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

This article states that Obama believes that the constitution protects gun owners from losing their rights to carry a gun, but he was on a board of a "Chicago-based foundation" which gave out about 2.7 million dollars to groups that were against guns. He stressed that taking away the citizens right to bare arms is unconstitutional and he can not dot that. His actions contradict each other because he was so against gon control at first but now he is all with it.

This connects to the constitution because the second amemendment states we have the right to bare arms, and Obama are trying to protect those rights. This gives americans the right to carry weapons, most commonly referred to as guns.

I think that instead of forcing people to give up their weapon we can have them volunteer to. This will help decrease violence, which has killed many people in our country recently. This can give us a better country because we will have a chance to have peace. That is only if the people of America cooperate, we will need them to turn in weapons for money that the government willl give to anyone who turns in a gun.

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